OCaml By Examples

Language Basics

Project Management

  • dune
  • dune-release
  • opam pin

Advanced Ocaml

  • functors
  • monads


Error Handling


open Core

Similarly to the 'a option variant type, the ('a, 'b) result variant type can be used to return some value of some type, or some error of some type (here, a string).

let can_error i =
  if i >= 0 then 
    Ok i
    Error "you gave me a negative int"

let () =
  let args = Sys.get_argv () in 
  match args.(1) with 
  | "result" -> (

match can be used to sort through the tags of the result variant type.

    let res = can_error (-1) in
    match res with 
    | Ok i -> printf "success: %d\n" i 
    | Error s -> printf "error: %s\n" s

failwith can be used to raise an exception.

  | "failwith" -> failwith "some error message"
  | "exn" -> 

Exceptions can be crafted and raised manually by declaring custom 'a exn types (here, Foo) and throwing them using the raise function.

    let exception Foo of string in
    raise (Foo "some other error message")
  | _ -> print_endline "argument not recognized"

Note that any code that comes after a raised exception will not get executed. Also see https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_expect

let () =
  print_endline "this might not get executed"


$ dune exec ./main.exe -- result
error: you gave me a negative int
this might not get executed

$ dune exec ./main.exe 
Uncaught exception:
  (Invalid_argument "index out of bounds")

$ dune exe ./main.exe -- failwith
Uncaught exception:
  (Failure "some error message")

Raised at Stdlib.failwith in file "stdlib.ml", line 29, characters 17-33
Called from Dune__exe__Main in file "book/chapters/errors/main.ml", line 7, characters 18-47

$ dune exe ./main.exe -- exn
Uncaught exception:
  Foo("some other error message")

Raised at Dune__exe__Main in file "book/chapters/errors/main.ml", line 21, characters 4-42

$ dune exe ./main.exe -- some_arg
argument not recognized
next: Inline tests